The watch industry is listening… What many people who comment on aBlogtoWatch articles may not realize is that the people and brands we write about carefully read not only our coverage of their products, but also take the time to monitor the reader comments. Consumer sentiments are an extremely important part of product and brand development, but at times – especially in the watch industry – it can seem like not everyone is paying attention to the pleas and wishes of consumers.
Read the comments on even a few aBlogtoWatch articles, and you’ll quickly realize that the community is offering some rather useful feedback. So useful, that I think the time has come for an article allowing the community itself to share its thoughts and feedback to the watch industry on whatever topics the community chooses. This is your opportunity to tell the watch industry exactly what you want and what you don’t want.
How? Comment below. Maybe you have something specific you wish to say to a particular brand? Maybe there is a product you think could be tweaked, brought back to life, produced in the first place, or otherwise changed in some way? Maybe you want to praise a particular design, theme, or watchmaker? Maybe you have constructive criticism about marketing, services, prices, or anything else that you feel the watch industry can hear to better what they offer to consumers.
Don’t forget to speak with passion but also tact. When offering negative feedback it is useful to realize that the people who make decisions you disagree with probably have good reasons or don’t even know how it might effect the ultimate buyers of their products. Watch industry marketing and communication is tricky, but not nearly as complex as the process to create new products. Even things like pricing and service that many in the watch industry itself agree should be refined have some enormous hurdles to overcome before being improved. So also be mindful that pretty much everything you say isn’t gonna be news to the watch industry, but it is really important for them to know how big of a deal some things are and to how many consumers.
Just because one person comments about a particular topic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t repeat your own sentiments on that issue. The more people who mention the same thing, the more you as the watch community will demonstrate to the watch industry that it is a big deal. So feel free to pile as many thoughts into your comments as you like.
For those of you who want to participate but aren’t sure where to begin, allow us to suggest a few prompts that might help. Also, thanks to everyone for their continued passion and intelligent conversation on aBlogtoWatch. We really want to help the watch community make the biggest impact possible on the industry itself that fuels our mutual interest.
Suggested questions and topics to comment on:
- What gets you interested in a new watch?
- What price points do you wish the watch industry focused more on?
- What do you want in a $500 watch?
- What do you want in a $5,000 watch?
- What do you want in a $50,000 watch?
- What do you want in a $500,000 watch?
- Do you feel that watch product marketing is relevant to you? Why or why not?
- Where do you want watches to be sold?
- What are your favorite materials, colors, and themes that you wish were represented in more watches?
- Do you think the watch industry is well represented where you live?
- Do you feel that some watches are over-priced? Are some under-valued?
- What types of things might prevent you from buying a watch you otherwise want?
- What brands or products that you otherwise like are doing something to make you lose confidence or interest in them?
- Are there concepts, products, themes, or messages you want to see more or less of?
- What keeps you interested in learning about new watches?