Ask aBlogtoWatch Anything

aBlogtoWatch has just rolled out a new feature that we are pretty excited about. It’s called “Ask aBlogtoWatch Anything” and is our version of an “Ask Us Anything” page. The idea is to offer a page with reader-submitted questions that we choose to answer for everyone to read, available all the time. Just click “Ask” in the top navigation menu.

Questions that we think are important and of interest to other readers will be chosen by our editorial team each week. If you have a question for a specific team member, then just include their name in the question. *Now, while we say we are here to answer anything, you know that isn’t true. But of course, feel free to ask whatever you like. The idea is to help educate and inform the larger watch lover and novice community. For everything else you can use our regular CONTACT page.

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For years now, aBlogtoWatch has received… well, a lot of e-mails from people with every type of question imaginable. People in Singapore seem to tend to think we sell watches – which, we’d love to sell them, only we don’t sell watches. A lot of people want to know how much their dead relative’s watch is worth. Others still just want our validation on watches they already want to buy. For all of those people out there; if you like it, then don’t let us stop you from buying it. It will be a learning experience either way.

So instead of responding to these questions individually, or just ignoring them (sorry, we are busy too), we’d rather spend our time more wisely by sharing the best questions and answers with everyone. So don’t be shy. There aren’t bad questions, just badly formed ones. If you want to know about watches, collecting, taste, or just about us, then head over to the Ask aBlogtoWatch Anything page here.

You are not limited to one question per lifetime. If you wake up in a cold sweat with a burning horological inquiry for the ages, but you just asked us a question before you went to sleep, I want you to get up. I want you to go to your computer. And I want you to ask us your question!

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One last little thing. At this time we are also launching a new survey to help us learn more about you. We invite questioners to spend 5 minutes or so, filling it out in exchange for our team’s time reading, and possibly answering your question. It is pretty short and the information it will provide us is pretty useful to make the site better for you. It is also anonymous, so tell us what you REALLY think. Our soon-to-be-favorite readers can take the aBlogtoWatch User Survey here.

It should go without saying, thank you for being a valued and participating member of the aBlogtoWatch community.

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