I was asked to write an article making an “argument for Rolex watches.” This was to be in response to an article which was an “argument against Rolex watches.” Now, understand I didn’t know what the argument against Rolex watches was going to be, so I simply needed to make a broad and effective argument in favor of the world’s most ubiquitous luxury watch. For what ever you can say against Rolex, a ridiculous amount of owners and fans can’t be that wrong. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Rolex could be the only watch brand you need to look at, but they do have a lot of merit.
Like I said, my argument was constructed for all types of people to understand. If you read the comments after the articles, some people got irked that my articles didn’t delve deep into some of the more technical or historical aspects of the argument. I appreciate their sentiments, but they need to realize that the article was intended to appeal to people who didn’t know or care about what was inside of a watch movement. It was enough to say that it was a “good watch movement.” So checkĀ it out, along with the counter argument and see what you think.
See my Argument For Rolex Watches article on AskMen.com here.
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