union jack

I wrote an article about the unfair and biased moderation tactics are Timezone.com because I wanted watch enthusiasts to understand how Timezone.com was being operated and managed. The aBlogtoRead.com article on Timezone.com can be viewed here. The response to the article was overwhelmingly in agreement with me, even though I actually anticipated some backlash, which there was none. It appears as though the accumulated watch loving population online does not love Timezone.

Another forum website called TZ-UK.com, also known as of Timezone UK is not related to Timezone.com, but occasional confusion is likely due to the name. TZ-UK is an excellent site mostly because of its knowledgeable and energetic participants. While I am not sure how long this has been in effect, I recently noticed for the first time a well-chosen tag line located on the TZ-UK.com banner saying: “A friendly place to discuss watches without oppressive moderation.” I think the meaning is clear. TZ-UK not only does not want to be associated with Timezone, but is making a clear statement about its disapproval with Timezone.com’s practices and policies.

Advertising Message

All this time Timezone.com has been silent, as I expected they would be. Why would they comment? They aren’t particularly ashamed of their conduct, nor are they trying to hide it. In fact, I imagine many of their moderators and advertisers are quite proud of it. Something watch lovers tend to understandably forget is that the watch industry is a business, whose goal it is to sell watches. Like any modern industry, high volume necessitates some reduction in quality from time to time, so not every watch is going to be prefect or have wonderful things said about it. That is where marketing comes into compensate. Timezone.com is a shrouded marketing tool meant to make watch products look good. Attempting to hide negative content while bolstering (or making up) positive content. This is an accepted status quo, but again my dispute with Timezone.com has always been their guise as a consumer-driven forum, which it clearly is not.

Personally, I like TZ-UK.com’s tag line, and applaud them for being so brazen about it. More power to them for being so outspoken about who they are, and who they are not. That particular brand of open communication with a user base is a welcome deviation from hype and hyperbole.

TZ-UK.com is the worst ! far worst than Timezone.com forums Eddie, the owner of TZ-UK / Timefactors was told by a former member of the forum website that he identified that a Heuer he posted a photo of was a fake. Jeff Stein, who runs OTD and who is arguably the worlds foremost Heuer expert and the former forum member gave there reasons as to why the watch was fake and Eddies response was to ban the member who had been there for years with over 5000+ posts !!!
This after Jeff even contacted Jack Heuer himself about it, who confirmed it was not a Heuer.
The top US authority, who was head watchmaker at Heuer from the 60’s to 2000’s also confirmed it was not a Heuer.
Mark Moss, who co wrote ‘The History of Heuer’ with David Chalmers (cal.11.com) also confirmed it wasn’t a Heuer…the list goes on.
Talk about a hypocrite as he fully lets his henchmen and their leader the autistic halfwit DB9yeti and his gang of name calling, insulting, troll bating morons runamuck troll baiting honest members accusing them of all having fake watches, All the while these morons are patting each other on the back and laughing at each others jokes like they actually believe that they are being witty and that their stupid jokes are somehow funny to anyone other than themselves…….

      • It won’t get deleted. Unlike your site watchtalkuniverse.
        You are a troll, with zero credibility.
        You are ignored on your laserpointer site, after you trolled long time members.
        You are ignored on RWG, the fake watch site after being uncovered.
        Your IP addresses have been sent to all major sites, so you have nowhere to go, even watchfreeks ignore you.
        Sad little loner.

        • Bye Bye, dimwit. The fact that you made that website shows it’s just eating you up that your attempt to get my website taken down failed and that it’s up for good now is driving you nuts !

          You should just let it go because it has nothing to do with you and it never will ! lol The more you fight it the more it gets seen ! lol Thanks for that boost !

          I don’t think there is a single person left on the planet that doesn’t know about the personal vendetta you have against me which you’ve made so obvious with all your nonstop attack posts filled with nothing but lies, fake “screen grabs”, And your watch nonsense, bobbee a long time ago people would rarely listen to what you had to say BUT now your the one with zero credibility and it’s all your own doing ! Congrats dimwit, You’ve done a bang up job of destroying yourself on the web and all over something so petty, I hope it was worth it to you because it sure don’t seem like it could have been when ya look at what you paid !

        • What nonsense lolol your too funny as I’ve told you on many occasions my IP changes all the time so I don’t know which IP you sent but it’d not my IP lol
          And I’ve got tons of replies at the laser forum ??? just more of your nonsense I guess !


        • “You are ignored on RWG, the fake watch site after being uncovered”
          lol actually your about to get banned there again dimwit ! And I was told I am welcome to keep posting about watches there anytime I like So I don’t have any idea what your talking about ?

          U B Tripping ! lol

  • TZ-UK.com and Timezone.com are the same because they both have the same gang of name calling, insulting, troll bating  autistic halfwits, if you really wish to talk about watches steer clear of both of those forums

    • kiddo kipps aka Robert Butler and his nonstop personal attacks are a great example of what you should expect at TZ-UK.com !Hats off to kiddo kipps aka Robert Butler, It was very nice of you to just show up and demonstrate exactly what I was talking about !

  • And now I’m banned for insulting a Mod ??? ya right that never happened !  No doubt about  TZ-UK.com and Timezone.com now !

    If your not a member there don’t waste your time because they are the worst watch talk forums on the web today, bar none !!! iI

    • larryberreth420, also known as Accutronitis and banned on all popular forums in the Western hemisphere. A typical troll, but he has had his teeth pulled.

      • robertbutler53 also known as kiddo kipps aka Bobbee aka JANEY aka SkankHunt42 aka benderbending aka tedward aka Bobbee53 aka coryt aka TruthSeeker aka thumbs aka watch junkie aka hawk53 aka harvey aka Fraud seeker aka FakeFinder aka (many more) also banned on all popular forums across the planet is worse that any troll because he’s not spreading lies just to get a rise out of someone, He’s doing it to try and damage a person’s credibility but all he has ever managed to do is destroy his own credibility in the process which is poetic justice to be sure !

        • Steven L. Berreth of Las Vegas, that’s all everyone needs to know about you.
          You have only 6 of those names right, you made up some and got the others wrong.
          I can’t ruin your credibility, you have none. You make fake watches and try to pass them off as real, then cry when you get caught out.
          Man up and own up.
          Nobody cares about you, they have your number. Keep making up names for yourself, like this “Get to Da Chopper” being your original ID on myBulova.com, where you are now banned for life. And NAWCC. And WTF. And Rolexforums (DatejustEnough). And WUS. And Thewatchforum. And Watchlords.
          Soon at RWG, the fake watch forum too. I sent all my info about you to loads of members, nobody replying to your posts should be a clue for you.
          You can never post that M2 watch again as everyone knows you have made it from parts, and they know you still have it. Those pics “the new owner” sent are from inside your garage, the door panels match Google Earth photos of the panels on your garage. You just can’t get away with lying all the time, you get caught out every time.
          Maybe Ariel will write a blog about you, I have enough evidence for him if he wants it. Not just screen grabs, but whole web pages saved which cannot be edited or photoshopped.
          Captain Crandall types in the same way you do, a space before “!” or “?”, this proves you are him, and making false accusations of sex offences online. I have all the proof I need to show you have Defamed, Impersonated, Libeled, and Stolen images belonging to me. Your impersonation of P.J. Maugeri has been noted also, and a letter to this ex-commercial pilot whose name and address you have stolen and used to hide behind has been sent, along with another to the LVPD.

          “Goose” and “Cooked” come to mind, you degenerate.

          The best thing you could do is dig yourself a very deep hole, deeper than the one you have already dug, get in and hide for a very long time.

          • Robert Butler of the UK known liar who knows nothing about Accutron 214 watches ! that’s all anyone needs to know about you !

            Just one question, do you know how “Google Earth” works ? How could “Google Earth” see inside of anyone’s garage ? every time you make up another one of your lies you keep shooting yourself in the foot !

            LVPD ? lol ya I’m sure they will get right on that because P.J. Maugeri is a very good friend of mine and he will tell you himself moron….

            Everyone knows about your fake screen grabs that you make on photo shop and they are part of the reason you are no longer welcome as a member at WUS where you are now banned for live, It was only a matter of time before your fake screen grabs caught up to you.

            It funny that you of all people would mention myBulova.com
            because you use to be a panel member there but you got kicked off in disgrace and banned there as well for attacking other members who made you mad for whatever reason much like I did there and you told me “I poked the bear” and right after that is when you started your campaign to try to damage my credibility but you’ve failed miserably and now you’ve made yourself the joke of every watch forum on the planet !

            I will never hide from the likes of you Robert Butler because you are less than nothing to me and with every day that passes more and more people are learning what you are and it’s all of your own doing !

          • Robert Butler of the UK known liar who knows nothing about Accutron 214 watches ! that’s all anyone needs to know about you !

          • “You can never post that M2 watch again as everyone knows you have made it from parts”

            I post pictures of that watch all the time, If anyone would like to see it it’s right here for the whole world to see !

          • LVPD ? lol ya I’m sure they will get right on that, If I remember correctly Captain Crandall said his name was P.J. Maugerie NOT P.J. Maugeri so I would stop talking about P.J. Maugeri and posting his name online if your half as smart as you think you are, Which your not

          • What are the odds that there are two people with the almost exact same name within 1.5 miles of your address?
            You are fooling no-one.

          • No one is trying to fool anyone despite you trying to imply they are !
            As I said Captain Crandall said his name was P.J. Maugerie NOT P.J. Maugeri as you keep trying to imply he said so at least get you facts straight or have you already photoshopped up one of your fake “screen grabs” showing him saying Maugeri instead of what he really said Maugerie, It wouldn’t surprise at all if you did that already because after all that’s what you do !

          • “You can never post that M2 watch again as everyone knows you have made it from parts” If that is the case then it wouldn’t be fake as you been saying but just not all original ! Thanks for finally admitting you know it’s not fake ! Every single part in that watch is 100% genuine Bulova parts but you already knew that which just shows the depth of your lies you been spreading around for two years, Good job bobbee !

          • Thanks, you just admitted to making it up from parts.
            I have taken a screen grab of this admission, saved the whole web page, and will now post the quote in case you edit/delete it, as you are prone to doing.


            kiddo kipps


            2 days ago

            “You can never post that M2 watch again as everyone knows you have
            made it from parts” If that is the case then it wouldn’t be fake as you
            been saying but just not all original ! Thanks for finally admitting you
            know it’s not fake ! Every single part in that watch is 100% genuine
            Bulova parts but you already knew that which just shows the depth of
            your lies you been spreading around for two years, Good job bobbee !”

            Thanks again, second time now you have admitted that M2 is made up from parts, after claiming it was all genuine.

          • You obviously don’t know the meaning of the word “admission” lol, When someone says “If” it’s not a “admission” it’s a “hypothetical” go back to school, learn the difference and the use of the English language and get back to me dimwit, Your such a tiresome waste of time, Please get educated !
            What a maroon……………………………

          • Everyone knows about your fake screen grabs that you make on photo shop and they are part of the reason you are no longer welcome as a member at WUS where you are now banned for life, It was only a matter of time before your fake screen grabs caught up to you.

            It funny that you of all people would mention myBulova.com
            because you use to be a panel member there but you got kicked off in disgrace and banned for life there as well for attacking other members who made you mad for whatever reason much like I did there and you told me “I poked the bear” and right after that is when you started your campaign to try to damage my credibility but you’ve failed miserably and now you’ve made yourself the joke of every watch forum on the planet !

            I will never hide from the likes of you Robert Butler because you are less than nothing to me and with every day that passes more and more people are learning what you are and it’s all of your own doing !

          • “Goose” and “Cooked” come to mind ? Really ? You’ve been saying that crap for two years ! so when is this suppose to happen ?

          • You have claimed you were given that M2 Astronaut watch by Col. James G. Abraham, a former U2 pilot. His own son denies he had any such watch, and you also claim that Col. Abraham is now dead.
            This up to date document of U2 pilots shows he is still living, as all the dead have a star next to their name.


            More lies that have caught you up Accutronitis.

          • your buddy the watchmaker that makes fake Accutrons and try’s to sell them on ebay, His friend Ernie told me he tried to contact jim and he told me he had passed away so I guess your buddy’s friend was lying to me for god knows what reason ?
            jumping to the wrong conclusions seems to be the default thing you do when you don’t really who said what !
            I don’t give a dam what Jims son says because in the 15 years I talked to Jim on a regular basis at north Las Vegas Airport not once did I ever see his son out there and Jim never mentioned his son in all that time, ever !
            I don’t know the son nor did I meet him, I only knew Jim so I could care less what the son said because it doesn’t proof a dam thing so kiss my you know what !

          • Really just when did you call his son and if you talked to his son why didn’t he tell you Jim’s alive and well right then ? And why didn’t just talk to Jim about the watch then ???
            Funny thing is you google link doesn’t even work and with all the Jim’s listed at your whitepages link now one of them is the Jim that flew U2’s white doesn’t really surprise me because you don’t even know what his full name is !

          • Oh and myBlova said I can just make a new member name and start adding watches again and maybe i’ll get around to it some day…..

          • Your lies are legendary.
            You make everything up as you go along, just like your watches.
            I have never faked one screen grab. Ever. If people believed anything you said, why are you banned on every major site?
            Have fun on your site talking to yourself, loser.

          • Give it a rest, Everyone knows about your fake “screen grabs” as you call them, They are legendary and why you got banned at your favorite hangout WUS, Well that and your constant lies about people your mad at, They came to a point where they just couldn’t look the other way anymore so they gave you the boot, It took them awhile but it was inevitable for any self-respecting website !

          • More lies, easily proved. Just contact admin at myBulova.com
            Stephen will confirm you are banned with no chance of returning.

          • Just one question, well really two, do you know how “Google Earth” works ? How could “Google Earth” see inside of anyone’s garage ? And why is blue sky clearly seen in the crystals reflection if it’s in someones garage ? every time you make up another one of your lies you keep shooting yourself in the foot because you so badly want to damage me in some way you don’t even think through your lie of the day !
            With enemies like you who needs friends ? lol

          • What ?!? garage doors look nothing on the inside as they do on the outside ! They look polar opposite to each other ! What kind of garage doors do they have in the UK that would you think that ???
            Oh and I live in Las Vegas where the inside of garage doors have thick insolation because each folding section is stamped out of sheet metal so as always you’ve made up some BS without knowing what your talking about, And how can you not see the watch case isn’t leaning against anything but is in fact sitting flat on a white level surface ???
            Why would I ever need to “try again” after saying what really happened ?

          • I followed the link but no pictures ? what gives ???
            So you have pictures of the inside of my garage ? while we wait to see these pictures why don’t you describe what the inside of my garage door looks like and while your at it what is very generally inside my garage ???

            I’m waiting on pins and needles for this one ! LOL

          • Nope tried the link again and it’s just some trick to get people to register at some shitty website.
            If you really have some pictures put them up at some site like Photobucket were anyone can see them !

          • Quote ! “The pics in question are taken inside your garage, leaning against the garage doors. Thin garage doors are the same inside as out, anyone knows that.”

            This will show there is no doubt what a jack ass you are and how all your bull shit is just made up non-sense !

            Here is the in side of my garage and the doors are not only different in every way BUT nowhere is the floor even close to the floor inside OR outside of my garage !!!

            Inside AND outside the floor is rough unsealed and stained concrete you dimwit !!!

            FACT nearly every garage door looks like exactly like mine and so do a billion other garage doors across America you dimwit !

            The only troll IS YOU AND YOUR BULL SHIT bobbee !

            https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5733119a3d1513e38ddd4423e633853e5cdfbb3fd866f9de869a7bd7087a518d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/649d4bd70ac7f06b49b058c96747e5f92bed94dbf95953c6f7c209ff26a74e00.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2741324d243c34866b3b3af9f94c001505d96c9e70e306d43b193aa0c97800c8.jpg ry wa https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/83e8667794136f8e3f53ecb7cce62cdd5e2c24c5f0e7409e1fb73ec4761a7ab7.jpg y

          • Just one more thing in regards to the Astronaut M2 that you keep calling “fake”, What qualifies your opinion as in anyway creatable when it comes to Accutron 214’s ? The fact is not one single thing because it’s a fact that you have NO hands on experience with Accutron 214’s, You’ve NEVER worked on any Accutron 214’s, Hell you have NEVER even owned one now or in the past SO why should anyone listen to your opinions in regards to Accutron 214 watches ? The obvious answer is no one should because your opinion is based on emotion and not with any reality or facts of any kind ! You know nothing about Accutron 214’s, FACT !

          • And Robert Butler of the UK known liar and very well known maker of fake “screen grabs” who knows nothing about Accutron 214 watches ! that’s all anyone needs to know about you !

        • You claimed at first the whole 24 hour dial Astronaut was genuine, then you changed it to “just the movement, dial and hands”. The hands were first blued centres, (the ones from your fake M2) then changed to silver centres. You can’t keep your story straight!

          Here is where you bought that 24 hour dial, third item down.


          Here is the feedback she left you, 6th from bottom.


          Caught lying again, Berreth.

          • Yep just more of your BS because I never made any such claim, What I did say is I bought the dial, hands, and movement all together from a friend.
            The hands only looked blue in some of the pictures but that’s just a trick of light, They also look blue in some of Bulova’s pictures but again that’s just a trick of light because they have always been silver on both watch and they still are !
            And once again that dial on ebay is not dial that is now in my B case watch because as I’ve told you on many occasions just buying that dial that was on ebay would be useless without the very rare movement that drives a standard WS-25 Bulova hand set on a 24 hour scale, How do you not understand that very basic fact ??? I’ll say it one more time THE DIAL IS USELESS WITHOUT THE VERY RARE 24 HOUR MOVEMENT IT’S ON !
            Gees your slow……..

          • Anyone can see here you lied:
            Here is the auction where you bought that dial:
            Here is your feedback as a buyer, showing the feedback from “frostgirl” for buying that dial:

            When you lie, lie about something you can’t get caught lying about!
            Many of your posts on MWR had to be deleted because you changed the images after being banned, and replaced them with nasty, awful remarks, like here where the post before had been deleted:

            Here you got banned again on MWR after just one post the day before yesterday:


            Mods on MWR have banned you at least 4 times now, on WTF it is at least 21 times. You are IP banned everywhere, even on Watchlords your IP came up as “spam/toxic”!
            That is what I call living up to your “VEGAS VIRUS” nickname.

          • “All you have to do is change the hour wheel in a regular 214 movement to change it from 12 hours to 24 hours.”
            Cool ! let’s see the link to this magical hour wheel on ebay your talking about ???
            I can’t wait bobbee the web cancer !!!

            your IP came up as “spam/toxic”! LOL Really ? came up where and what’s that IP ? LOL

            This should be a whopper of a good one dimwit, I can hardly wait to hear it ! !

          • Like anyone gives a crap about anything at MWR ! That and watchlords are the only two places you have left but that’s only because they don’t know you like every place else does including your once favorite hang out WUS but your no longer welcome there anymore and banned for life, Why don’t you explain why that is bobbee the web cancer ???

          • “Like anyone gives a crap about anything at MWR ! That and watchlords are the only two places you have left”

            No, quite a few more where “bobbee” is a member.

            And you, remarking on how many sites I “have left”?
            You, who has just RWG and Watchfreeks sites left where you aren’t banned?
            That is just so funny!
            Those are the only two watch sites where “Accutronitis” is still a member.

            No mystery why, you are a liar, a troll, a faker and a thief.
            You are gone. A nobody.
            Bye Bye, “VEGAS VIRUS”.

          • “Mods on MWR have banned you at least 4 times now, on WTF it is at least 21 times. You are IP banned everywhere, even on Watchlords your IP came up as “spam/toxic”!
            That is what I call living up to your “VEGAS VIRUS” nickname.”

            LOL what a load of made up nonsense bobbee The Web Cancer !

          • Even more lies. When clicking on the links to the site it comes up:
            “In accordance with Section 25(a) of the ProBoards Terms of Service, this forum has been taken offline.”
            This message comes up for your other site WTU, and the WTW site too.
            The TOS 25(a) is as below:

            “25. TERMINATION

            (a) By ProBoards


            So your site is terminated.
            Another lie easily uncovered, sucker.
            As usual, you just can’t stop lying and I can’t stop showing you up!

          • You know i just love to come here and click on that link that you say is “Gone forever” and it takes me right to The Accutron Resource Forum !!! That just never gets old !!!

      • Yep just more of your BS because I bought the dial, hands, and movement all together from a friend.
        And once again that dial on ebay is not dial that is now in my B case watch because as I’ve told you on many occasions just buying that dial that was on ebay would be useless without the very rare movement that drives a standard WS-25 Bulova hand set on a 24 hour scale, How do you not understand that very basic fact ??? I’ll say it one more time THE DIAL IS USELESS WITHOUT THE VERY RARE 24 HOUR MOVEMENT IT’S ON !
        Gees your slow……..

        • It’s not a “rare 24 hour movement”. It’s an ordinary movement modified with a wheel you bought on ebay that changes the 12 hour cycle to a 24 hour one. Any watchmaker worth his salt can do it. If you used your obvious skills normally, instead of making fake watches (your Rolex fake, your M2 fake, your 24 hour fake and also your Valjoux chrono is now franken since you changed the bridge!) that you try to pass off as issued, you might gain back some respect.
          You are still full of it, and easily caught out in those lies.

          • Thanks for further showing what I’ve been saying for over two years, You have no idea what you are talking about.
            So tell me what’s the part number of this one magical “wheel” your talking about setting aside the fact that the movement is a 214H “gilt” (gold plated) movement with a M2 date code !
            I would imagine that fact holds no significance to you at all ?
            Now back to the one wheel that you say needs to be changed, You do understand that if you change the ratio the hour wheel turns by half it will take more than just changing one wheel (gear) don’t you ?
            So why don’t you explain why it will take more than one wheel to accomplish what your suggesting and explain to everyone what else needs to be changed on a Accutron 214H movement if it is as simple as you say ?
            I can’t wait to hear these words of wisdom, enlighten us bobbee I’m all ears !

          • I don’t have to.
            You have just verified that you know how to do it yourself.
            You are so easily caught out as usual, Accufaker.

          • LOL just what I though you’ve got nothing ! Dimwit you can’t reduce the gear ratio of the hour wheel by merely changing one wheel (gear) !

            Gees you know even less than I thought you did ! Abraham Lincoln was absolutely right “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt” !

          • LOL I knew you had nothing ! Dimwit you can’t change the gear ratio of the hour wheel by changing one gear ! Gees you know even less than I gave you credit for, I learned about gearing and gear ratios in grade school !

            It’s no surprise that a 214H “gilt” (gold plated) movement with a M2 date code holds no significance to you because as I’ve been saying for two years you don’t know anything but the most basic details about the Accutron 214 movements so you don’t know what is something that is a “dime a dozen” and something that is very rare and you don’t have a clue how to identify what is factory and what isn’t so for you anything that doesn’t fall in your extremely narrow knowledge of anything Accutron 214 related will to you seem fake which is why you call so many things fake !

            That’s very easy to understand about you for the simple reason you have no experience with Accutron 214’s because even you won’t try to deny that you’ve never worked on any 214’s, You’ve personally looked at any 214’s parts under the microscope, You’ve never seen a 214 watch opened up in person, You’ve never even owned a Accutron 214 watch now or any time in the past and I doubt you’ve even seen one in person !!!

            That’s the thing about you, You talk as if you have some kind of Accutron 214 knowledge but everything you know comes from what you’ve only seen in pictures and that’s pathetic to try and talk intelligently on any subject so your opinion on anything Accutron is completely worthless !!!

            Your proof positive that Abraham Lincoln was absolutely right “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” and you certainly fit that to a tee bobbee !

          • “Valjoux chrono is now franken since you changed the bridge!) that you try to pass off as issued”
            WHAT ? issued ? Dam you can’t even go one single post without one big turd of a lie, Your pathological !
            Link please !

          • “It’s an ordinary movement modified with a wheel you bought on ebay that changes the 12 hour cycle to a 24 hour one”

            Dam this would be so much easier to get though your thick head if you had more that just a rudimentary understanding of the Accutron 214 movement but here it goes anyways, The only “wheel” Bulova made for a ordinary 214 movement is the 24 hour wheel (you must also have the minute wheel and pinion that works with the 24 hour wheel at minimum) but that 24 hour wheel is made for the 214HN movement that is used in the Accutron Astronaut watch only so even if you tried to use the 214HN gear set it wouldn’t work in a ordinary 214H movement arrangement for a few reasons, 1st the 24 hour wheel from a 214HN is #1 too big to fit through a non-Astronaut dial #2 even if you enlarged the hole in the dial the 24 hour wheel from a 214HN is much to large for a standard 214 hour hand to fit because in was made for the 4th GMT hand used in a Astronaut watch #3 even if you some how got a standard hour hand to fit on a 214HN 24 hour wheel (you def can’t) you would see a large gap between the hour hand and the minute hand because a 214HN is designed for 4 hands so you would have to move the 12 hour hand down to the 24 hour wheel (again you def can’t) and that would leave a large gap where the 12 hour hand use to be which would stand out like a sore thumb from a mile away !!!
            bobbee you really should stop trying to talk about something you have no (zero) knowledge of you always end up looking like an even bigger dimwit than before you opened that squawk box you call a mouth !

          • Dam this would be so much easier to get though your thick head if you had more that just a rudimentary understanding of the Accutron 214 movement but here it goes anyways, The only 24 hour “wheel” Bulova made for a ordinary 214 movement is the 24 hour wheel (you must also have the minute wheel and pinion that works with the 24 hour wheel at minimum) but that 24 hour wheel is made for the 214HN movement that is used in the Accutron Astronaut watch only so even if you tried to use the 214HN gear set it wouldn’t work in a ordinary 214H movement arrangement for a few reasons, 1st The 24 hour wheel from a 214HN is too big to fit through a non-Astronaut dial, 2nd Even if you enlarged the hole in a standard dial the so a 214HN hour wheel could fit through, The 24 hour wheel from a 214HN is much to large for a standard 214 hour hand to fit on because in was made for the GMT 4th 24 hour hand used in a Astronaut watch, 3rd And even if you some how got a standard hour hand to fit on a 214HN 24 hour wheel (you def can’t) you would see a large gap between the hour hand and the minute hand because a 214HN is designed for 4 hands so you would have to move the 12 hour hand down to the 24 hour wheel (again you def can’t) and that would leave a large gap where the 12 hour hand use to be which would stand out like a sore thumb from a mile away !

            bobbee you really should stop trying to talk about something you have no (zero) knowledge of you always end up looking like an even bigger dimwit than before you opened that squawk box you call a mouth !

    • The only person who could verify your story is Col. J.G. Abraham, the U2 pilot you claim gave you that M2 Astronaut.
      Why, in all this time, have you not got him to back you up? You have claimed he is dead, but that is not true as he is still living in Las Vegas!
      He CAN’T verify it, because you built it from parts.
      The lies have kept on coming, and you have been totally whipped.

  • bobbee you dimwit you can’t change the gear ratio of the hour wheel by changing one gear ! Gees you know even less than I gave you credit for, I learned about gearing and gear ratios in grade school !

    It’s no surprise that a 214H “gilt” (gold plated) movement with a M2 date code holds no significance to you because as I’ve been saying for two years you don’t know anything but the most basic details about the Accutron 214 movements so you don’t know what is something that is a “dime a dozen” and something that is very rare and you don’t have a clue how to identify what is factory and what isn’t so for you anything that doesn’t fall in your extremely narrow knowledge of anything Accutron 214 related will to you seem fake which is why you call so many things fake !

    You know I think I’m getting a handle on how the mind of a moron works from my exposure to you, So much so I think I can predict the next thing you’ll say about the fact that the movement in question is a 214H M2 gilt movement, Let me give it a go, The next thing you’ll say will be something like “you just sent a regular M2 pillar plate out and had it gold plated”, Well be honest how close am I ?!? Remember be honest or you’ll mess up my experiment !

    Really your lack of knowledge is very easy to understand about you for the simple reason you have no experience with Accutron 214’s because even you won’t try to deny that you’ve never worked on any 214’s, You’ve personally looked at any 214’s parts under the microscope, You’ve never seen a 214 watch opened up in person, You’ve never even owned a Accutron 214 watch now or any time in the past and I doubt you’ve even seen one in person !!!

    That’s the thing about you, You talk as if you have some kind of Accutron 214 knowledge but everything you know comes from what you’ve only seen in pictures and that’s pathetic to try and talk intelligently on any subject so your opinion on anything Accutron is completely worthless !!!

    Your proof positive that Abraham Lincoln was absolutely right “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” and you certainly fit that to a tee bobbee !

  • I’m amused by this conversation you guys are having. Though I must admit it seems totally random. Why did this discussion for a forum seemingly get moved here?

    • Because my online stalker bobbee found that I had posted here twice 2 years ago and still found the need to attack me here as he does everywhere I go using what he always uses his made up nonsense and lies because he refuses to give up his smear campaign, That and he’s been banned every place else that he can attack me so this is the only place he has left to rant about me……

    • If it was up to me I would remove every post from both of us that has nothing to do with the topic !

      • Let’s just ensure that this doesn’t become a complaint board. Keep it civil and keep it valuable to the community guys. Otherwise we will have to intervene as I don’t think this should be an area for people on other communities to share their issues about one another.

        • I completely agree, This is no place for off topic personal attacks ! Let hope bobbee gets the message and this ends now, If he does this will be my last post here…….

          • I see you can’t help yourself and continue to launch your petty personal attacks, Just as trolls do…… Considering that’s what every single post you’ve made here has been why would anyone think otherwise, It’s what trolls do !

          • If people would like to try “snippets” on you they should use your main name which is “bobbee” not that those are the only two names you use. You are well known for using these names as well bobbee aka kiddo kipps akaJANEY aka SkankHunt42 aka benderbending aka tedward aka Bobbee53 aka coryt aka TruthSeeker aka thumbs aka watch junkie aka hawk53 aka kiddo kipps aka harvey aka Fraud seeker aka FakeFinder aka (many more)

          • If people would like to try “snippets” on you they should use your main name which is “bobbee” not that those are the only two names you use. You are well known for using these names as well bobbee aka kiddo kipps akaJANEY aka SkankHunt42 aka benderbending aka tedward aka Bobbee53 aka coryt aka TruthSeeker aka thumbs aka watch junkie aka hawk53 aka kiddo kipps aka harvey aka Fraud seeker aka FakeFinder aka (many more)

  • Bobbee’s back to his off topic attack posts, I guess he thought if he made his new posts at the bottom of all this nobody would notice but as usual he was wrong ! Bobbee aka kiddo kipps aka Robert Butler hasn’t made a single on topic post since coming here because all he’s here to do is troll hard and troll deep because that’s what he does everywhere he goes !

  • Robert Butler once again gets booted from another forum for trolling and personal attacks, This time it’s RWG but this is not his first time getting booted there and it probably won’t be the last !

  • Now let me ask you, How is your “brand new website” now bobbee ?

    “It won’t get deleted” I should have put money on it !

    count down to TOS deletion 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 count down complete !

    It got wiped for TOS infringements ! not that it matters because it only got 4 visits, total ! lol

  • It’s like I’ve been trying to tell you bobbee, This latest set backs of you getting your website deleted and getting booted at RWG should be telling you something, Nobody believes the lies your trying to spread around and it’s mainly because of the wacko thing you did by sending all your made up nonsense to all the watch forum website admins and although they may have said something like “thanks for bring this to our attention” they were just shining you on to get rid of you and most all of them thought you were some kind of internet wack job and they turned around and chucked all your BS in the trash !
    bobbee who in their right mind would do something like that ?!? You came off looking like a NUTCASE ! Yes even more of one than before you sent that BS everywhere !
    AND none of that wack job move you pulled had anything to do with me, Well other than your lies you sent all around were about me, So this latest blow to your credibility plummeting was all of your own doing and again you have no one to blame but you guessed it, YOURSELF !

  • How about this then? The admin are so onto you…


    YOU: “I
    have read though it many times and i certainly had no egregious
    violations of the TOS, it was all really boring stuff unless you had a
    interest in Bulova Accutron 214 watches like parts manuals, servicing
    info, repair videos, watch pictures and so on, i don’t understand this
    at all ?”

    PB Admin: “Do you not
    realize that I have access to the same information the abuse department
    does? You violated the TOS, and this isn’t the first time either. I’m
    going to lock this thread now.”

  • Oh and thanks for proving your “harvey” prasanna is just you Robert bobbee Butler, You’ve made it quite obvious it’s you with all your lies and nonsense !

    Why the switch from your “kiddo kipps” to your “harvey” prasanna bobbee ?

    • Accutronitis wrote: ”

      Oh and thanks for proving your “harvey” prasanna is just you Robert bobbee Butler, You’ve made it quite obvious it’s you with all your lies and nonsense !

      Why the switch from your “kiddo kipps” to your “harvey” prasanna bobbee ?”

      What’s a “prasanna” you thick berk?

      Do you mean “persona”, like you used to call a stalker a “stocker”?
      Sub-normal education showing dude. You should have paid attention in school.

      I used that name to mess with your head, as you think so many names are mine because those users posted “against” you.

      • “Do you mean “persona”, like you used to call a stalker a “stocker”?
        Sub-normal education showing dude. You should have paid attention in school.”

        As if pointing something like that out somehow makes what you do any less creepy or in any way ok ?

        “Just saying “lies and nonsense” all the time proves nothing, you need to show proof of someone lying and talking nonsense, just as I have constantly done.”

        And the same is also true when you just say “I’ve shown proof” Because just saying it and giving links that go nowhere and your constant misunderstanding of what was said and who said it is proof of nothing.

        For example take what you call “proof”, Ebay feedback amounts ! With the millions of ebay users that must be hundreds of thousands users with the same Ebay feedback amounts ! Your idea of what constitutes as proof is really nothing more coincidences.

        Just saying i’ve shown evidence and i have proof don’t make it so, especially when your so called “proof” is just made up nonsense and lies as i’ve repeatably shown over and over again !

        • You have actually shown nothing, ever.
          By “show” YOU mean say something untrue.
          By “over and over again” YOU mean keep repeating those lies.

          Your continuing denials in the face of proof are nothing but wind.

  • This is your last warning @gettodachopper:disqus, @disqus_7ZoLodJ4Uk:disqus, and anyone else participating in this totally outside discussion to take your disagreement elsewhere or I’ll just make sure it stops happening here for good.

  • Hey dimwit if you read this let me send you a PM at the laser forum and don’t worry it won’t be anything bad, Or don’t, either way is fine with me but you’ll never know what I wanted to talk to you about in private, It’s up to you…….

    • You know what, forget what I said you piece of @%$# because I CAN’T THINK OF A GOOD REASON TO EVER HELP YOU ANYMORE !

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